Conversion table

From max hoist (using estimated forestay length) to spinnaker size in our product range (in ft and m) –

  • The table below provides a first estimate of the spinnaker size recommended in our standard cut spinnaker range based on the estimated forestay length of your boat. Dimensions for each size can be found at the bottom of this page.
  • These estimates are calculated based on:
    • no sock or furler
    • pulpit height of about 1.5 feet
    • no sprit
    • spinnaker installed inside the pulpit
    • non modified mast
  • To finalize a choice, contact us for a personalized consultation and to get a quote.

from (ft)to (ft)from (m)to (m)
26.427.2Size 008.18.3
27.229.6Size 08.39.0
29.631.9Size 19.09.7
31.934.2Size 29.710.4
34.236.2Size 310.411.0
36.238.6Size 411.011.8
38.640.8Size 511.812.4
40.842.1Size 612.412.8
42.145.4Size 712.813.8
45.448.1Size 813.814.7
48.149.6Size 914.715.1
49.653.8Size 1015.116.4
53.855.5Size 1116.416.9
55.560.1Size 1216.918.3
60.162.6Size 1318.319.1
62.665.9Size 1419.120.1
65.969.6Size 1520.121.2
69.676.1Size 1621.223.2
76.179.4Size 1723.224.2
79.482.7Size 1824.225.2

Dimensions for each standard size:

Asymmetrical Spinnakers dimensions – ft
(scroll down for meters)

 Luff (ft)Leech (ft)Foot (ft)Area (sqft)
Asym 0026.924.513.5291
Asym 028.525.614.4334
Asym 130.827.816.4398
Asym 335.432.318.8538
Asym 437.734.720.0613
Asym 540.437.121.4689
Asym 643.040.022.8807
Asym 745.342.124.0893
Asym 847.945.025.41011
Asym 950.947.827.01141
Asym 1053.850.628.61270
Asym 1157.153.730.31431
Asym 1260.456.831.81592
Asym 1363.659.833.81775
Asym 1466.962.935.51969
Asym 1570.566.337.42195
Asym 1673.869.439.22399
Asym 1777.172.540.92615
Asym 1880.475.642.72851

Asymmetrical Spinnakers dimensions – meters

Luff (m)Leech (m)Foot (m)Area (m2)
Asym m2
Asym m2
Asym m2
Asym m2
Asym 310.89.85.750 m2
Asym 411.510.66.157 m2
Asym 512.311.36.564 m2
Asym 613.112.27.075 m2
Asym 713.812.87.383 m2
Asym 814.613.77.894 m2
Asym 915.514.68.2106 m2
Asym 1016.415.48.7118 m2
Asym 1117.416.49.2133 m2
Asym 1218.417.39.7148 m2
Asym 1319.418.210.3165 m2
Asym 1420.419.210.8183 m2
Asym 1521.520.211.4204 m2
Asym 1622.521.212.0223 m2
Asym 1723.522.112.5243 m2
Asym 1824.523.013.0265 m2