We cut our Cruising Code Zero sails (also know as Code D) in Nylite / Maxilite from Contender, a Dutch cloth manufacturer. Though there are less panels on a Cruising Code 0 than on an asymmetrical spinnaker, it is worth spending some time so that not only you fly on the water, but you also look great!
On this page, you will find below color options for the sail as well as for the optional UV band.
Choosing your Cruising Code 0 colors with Nylite Maxilite cloth
You will find below the colors available and a white panel layout.
- Right click to download this panel layout, printout, and manually mark it which the colors you want for each panel / panel layer. If you have a Paint application, you can import it into your Paint software. (You can find the color hexadecimal codes here.)
- Then scan / do a screen shot and send back to us.
This may not be your final panel layout, but we will adjust the colors on your final design and will it send back for validation before production.

Selecting UV colors
There are 2 options for UV cloth on a Cruising Code 0 (Code D), WeatherMAX-LT or Solartex.
See below for color options